With family-sized helpings of Matthew Bourne’s trademark wit, pathos and magical fantasy, Nutcracker! follows Clara’s bittersweet journey from a darkly comic Christmas Eve at Dr Dross’s Orphanage through a shimmering, ice-skating winter wonderland to the scrumptious candy kingdom of Sweetieland, influenced by the lavish Hollywood musicals of the 1930s. Tchaikovsky’s glorious score and Anthony Ward’s newly refreshed delectable sets and costumes combine with Bourne’s dazzling choreography to create a fresh and charmingly irreverent interpretation of the classic.
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Cordelia Braithwaite
Harrison Dowzell
Ashley Shaw
Sugar/ Princess Sugar
Dominic North
Fritz/ Prince Bon-Bon
Danny Reubens
Dr Dross/ King Sherbert
Daisy May Kemp
Mrs Dross/ Queen Candy