Jaguar Beat

Jaguar Beat

2023 ja 0 minutes

Rating: 0


    JAGUAR BEAT is a story-based show that endeavors to add something fresh to the Takarazuka traditions. It depicts the life of the half-human, half-beast JAGUAR and the way he found love. Born in the jungle on an unnamed planet, JAGUAR falls for the beautiful CRYSTAL BIRD. Beckoned by her, he sets off on a journey into a mysterious world… This Mega Fantasy featuring powerful beats will showcase the many talents of Rei Makoto and the other members of Star Troupe.



    Makoto Rei

    Makoto Rei

    Maisora Hitomi

    Maisora Hitomi

    Yuria Seo

    Yuria Seo

    Chisei Akatsuki

    Chisei Akatsuki

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