How the West Was Won

How the West Was Won

A Story of Grace, Faith, Salvation & Soul Winning

2012 en 101 minutes

Rating: 0


Based on the true life stories of a trailblazing preacher, challenged by all the perils of an adventurous trip West. Set in the mid-1800's. Your faith will be encouraged by how young Henry Walker, as a bold everyday Christian, shares a message that changes many lives along the way as well as changes the heart of an entire city.



Taylor Vaden

Taylor Vaden

Henry Walker

David Worth Hinton

David Worth Hinton

John Walker

Ed Shirley

Ed Shirley

Forest Parker

David Hinton Jr.

David Hinton Jr.

Randy Parker

Shirley Howitt

Shirley Howitt

Tina Walker

Mikey McClain

Mikey McClain

Mikey McClain

Terry Robertson

Terry Robertson

Bobby Stutton

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