An anime adaptation of the erotic manga "Ikenai Boy" by Yoshihiro Suma, serialized in Business Jump. Our hero is the typical young energetic college boy, but he got a special gift. He has "magic hands" that put all women in ecstasy. Obviously, he is taking advantage of this gift by meeting one bishoujo after the other!
Trailer's not available.
Masami Kikuchi
Hiroko Emori
Mariko Itsuki
Rica Matsumoto
Ruka Fujiki
Satomi Korogi
Tomomichi Nishimura
Yuko Mizutani
Yûki Takada
Ayami Kida
Daiki Nakamura
Isshin Chiba
Junko Asami
Ken Yamaguchi
Kenichi Ono
Kiyoyuki Yanada
Miho Yoshida