Strade perdute - Filmmaker 23

Strade perdute - Filmmaker 23

2023 it 126 minutes

Rating: 0


For Filmmaker Film Festival (2023), Fulvio Baglivi and Cristina Piccino asked some filmmakers (R. Beckermann, J. Bressane, D’Anolfi/Parenti, T. De Bernardi, L. Di Costanzo, A. Fasulo, F. Ferraro, M. Frammartino, S. George, ghezzi/Gagliardo, C. Hintermann, G. Maderna, A. Momo, A. Rossetto, M. Santini, C. Simon, S. Savona) to give us their own "lost road," that is, a sequence, scene or piece of editing that did not later find its way into the final version of one of their works. Each fragment has its own accomplished presence, often has a different title from the film it was made for, which is not necessary to have seen in order to find meaning; on the contrary, those who set out thinking they know the world they are walking through will find themselves displaced.


Trailer's not available.


Ruth Beckermann

Ruth Beckermann

Júlio Bressane

Júlio Bressane

Massimo D'Anolfi

Massimo D'Anolfi

Martina Parenti

Martina Parenti

Tonino De Bernardi

Tonino De Bernardi

Leonardo Di Costanzo

Leonardo Di Costanzo

Alberto Fasulo

Alberto Fasulo

Fabrizio Ferraro

Fabrizio Ferraro

Michelangelo Frammartino

Michelangelo Frammartino

Sylvain George

Sylvain George

Enrico Ghezzi

Enrico Ghezzi

Alessandro Gagliardo

Alessandro Gagliardo

Carlo Shalom Hintermann

Carlo Shalom Hintermann

Giovanni Davide Maderna

Giovanni Davide Maderna

Alberto Gross Molo

Alberto Gross Molo

Alessandro Rossetto

Alessandro Rossetto

Mauro Santini

Mauro Santini

Carla Simón

Carla Simón

Stefano Savona

Stefano Savona

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