Kenji and Shintaro, once esteemed as the castle town's best Samurai, were anticipated to become the next Sensei and top Samurai until an assault changed their fate. While saving their lord, Kenji's injury marked the end of his swordsmanship career, and the loss of his purpose led to a life of drunkenness, earning him the nickname "the quitter." Despite this, Kenji's wife, Rin, continued to support him, recognizing his enduring passion. Following Sensei Yamamoto's death, a will declared that the next Sensei would be determined by a showdown between Kenji and Shintaro, leading Rin to dedicate herself to Kenji's redemption through rigorous training. The time has come for Kenji to confront Shintaro.
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Mami Hanano
Daichi Hirahara
MIta Kenji
Yoshioka Hiromi
Kohji Katoh
Mr. Sato
Michael Liu
Student 03
Yukko Ellie Onishi
Mita Rin
Kahori Saito
Sensei's Wife
Take Sanada
Yakuza 05
Yoshiya Sone
Takeuchi Shintaro
Sousuke Tokuyama
Hidenori Wagatsuma
Yojiro Yamanaka