Fish Out of Water manages to unfurl its light-hearted tale of young man and the sea, without a word of dialogue. Avoiding the morning traffic jams, our man (Nick Dunbar) finds peace by rowing each day to work in the city. But when a seductive blonde unexpectedly enters the picture, he finds his morning boat ride heading in unexpected directions. Directed by Lala Rolls (Land of My Ancestors), Fish Out of Water was invited to play in the 2005 NZ Film Festival, plus another 10 overseas fests. Victoria Kelly composes the brass and banjo-inflected soundtrack.
Nick Dunbar
The Rowing Man
Angela Green
The Fishing Girl
Justine Cooper
The Siren
Macgregor Cameron
The Man with the Elephant Tie
James Ashcroft
The Yuppie
Stella Munn-Bieringa
The Teenager
Dorothy Anne Bonner
The Elderly Neighbour #1
Don Langridge
The Elderly Neighbour #2