Set in the 7th century AD during the Korean peninsula's division into three perpetually warring kingdoms, Once Upon A Time In A Battlefield focuses on the Shilla's king Kim Choon-chu efforts to conquer his rivals: Koguryo and Baekche. To achieve this goal, he allies with mainland China's Tang empire, the superpower of the era, and together the two polities plan to attack first the weakest Baekche at its main fortress of Hwangsanbul, guarding the only easy access to the mountainous interior. But the fortress commander General Kye Baek (Park Joong-hoon) will be resisting to the end...This comedy relays on clash between ancient time and modern language combined with irony and distance to the war.
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Jung Jin-young
Kim Yu-sin
Park Joong-hoon
Lee Moon-sik
Lee Won-jong
Yeon Gaesomun
Kim Byung-chul
Shilla spy
Kim Seon-a
Gyebaek's wife (cameo)
Ryu Seung-su
Kim In Moon
Kim Seung-woo
Mole 1
Woo Hyeon
Kim Sang-won
Silla Soldier 5 / Cuckoo 1
Shin Hyun-joon
Mole 2
Go Gyu-pil
Baekje Prince 7
Shin Jung-keun
Kim Heum-soon
Na Hae-ryung
Gyebaek's Eldest Daughter
Jung Hae-kyun
cipher officer
Lee Sang-hun
Kim Kwang-shik
[Baekje soldier #2]