PilotsEYE.tv San Francisco A340

PilotsEYE.tv San Francisco A340

2007 de 60 minutes

Rating: 7.5


Lufthansa Captain Juergen Raps greets all viewers interested in experiencing an entire flight in the cockpit. Since 9/11, PilotsEYE.tv is the only possibility to enjoy this experience. The authorities... With all the exhilarating and wonderful moments such as the preparations for takeoff on runway 26R at Munich Airport. After a perfect westerly takeoff, the plane banks right heading north, which - as chance would have it - takes us directly over Captain Raps' home town. Susanne Parusel - on her maiden flight as Senior First Officer - enthuses about being a pilot. Laid-back, humorous, but always in full control, she assists the Captain in his every duty. English subtitles are provided for all parts of the german conversation.


Trailer's not available.


Juergen Raps

Juergen Raps


Susanne Parusel

Susanne Parusel

Senior First Officer

Sascha Unterbarnscheidt

Sascha Unterbarnscheidt

First Officer

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