The Luck of Roaring Camp

The Luck of Roaring Camp

1917 en 0 minutes

Rating: 0


The story takes place in a small struggling mining town located in the foothills of the California mountains at the time of the gold rush. The camp is suffering from a long string of bad luck. With only one woman in their midst, it seems as though the miners have no future. However, the tide turns when a small boy is born. "Thomas Luck" is the first newborn the camp has seen in ages; things are looking up.


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Ivan Christy

Ivan Christy

Eugene Field, Sr.

Eugene Field, Sr.

James Robert Chandler

James Robert Chandler

William Wadsworth

William Wadsworth

Jack O'Loughlin

Jack O'Loughlin

Betty Young

Betty Young

Thomas Trenor

Thomas Trenor

A. Newson

A. Newson

Al Stewart

Al Stewart

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