When the daughter of the miserly cooper Grandet is up for marriage, both families Des Grassins and Cruchot want to marry their sons to her and her substantial dowry. But the girl shows more interest in the impoverished cousin, whom she entrusts her entire fortune to.
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Alexandra London
Eugénie Grandet

Jean Carmet
Père Grandet

Dominique Labourier
Mère Grandet

Claude Jade
Lucienne des Grassins

Pierre Vernier
Monsieur des Grassins

Jean-Claude Adelin
Charles Grandet

Bernard Haller
Abbé Cruchot

Sacha Briquet
Maître Cruchot

Rose Thiéry

Pascal Elso
Cruchot de Bonfons

Olivier Delor
Adolphe des Grassins