The Making of Broncho Billy

The Making of Broncho Billy

1913 en 13 minutes

Rating: 5


Broncho Billy runs into trouble in a bar when he gets into a confrontation with a bully. Since the bully has a gun and Billy doesn't, he's forced to endure the bully's humiliating tactics until he manages to get away. He determines to find himself a gun, learn how to use it and then go back and find the bully for a little payback.


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Gilbert M. Anderson

Gilbert M. Anderson

Broncho Billy

Brinsley Shaw

Brinsley Shaw


Harry Todd

Harry Todd

The Sheriff

Victor Potel

Victor Potel

Patrick Rooney

Patrick Rooney

Fred Church

Fred Church

Willis Elder

Willis Elder

Kite Robinson

Kite Robinson

Joe Cassidy

Joe Cassidy

Roland Totheroh

Roland Totheroh

Texas George Briggs

Texas George Briggs

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