In the distant future, a mysterious floating object appears suddenly in the center of Tokyo. The top secret mission unit Alta Mira Agency or AA is comissioned by the Defense Agency to deal with this mysterious invader. In charge of the robot training is Funagai Otsuya. He trains five special girls to use the Battle Soles to push back the enemy even at the cost of their lives.
Megumi Nasu
Rin Ichikawa (voice)
Kouji Miyoshi
Otsuya Funagai (voice)
Naoko Suzuki
Misaki Kashima (voice)
Kaori Nazuka
Konomi Tamura (voice)
Shizuka Itoh
Midori Matsumura (voice)
Minori Chihara
Ayaka Matsumoto (voice)
Hideyuki Tanaka
CEO Mishima (voice)