Inspired by the true story of Hong Kong’s first teenage baseball team. In the 1980s, two childhood friends join the Shatin Martins, a Band 3 school baseball team managed by the school principal. From these humble beginnings, the boys experience camaraderie, fall in love and make fateful decisions that resonate throughout their lives amid a changing Hong Kong and its sporting world.
Liu Kai-Chi
Principal Lo Kwong Fai
Sham Ka-Ki
Chan Keung
Lam Yiu-Sing
Tse Chi-Lung
Tony Wu
Fan Chun-Wai
Poon Chan-Leung
Mr Tsang
Suen Lik-Man
Lung's father
Hedwig Tam
Tsz Ching
Maria Wong Si-Man
Lung's dream lover
Jan Lam Hoi-Fung
Himmy Wong
Li Wang
Jie Shui
Lung's mother