Down Three Dark Streets
Down This Street Raced Dead-End Violence... Down This One Stretched Excitement Taut As Silk!
1954 en 85 minutes
Rating: 5.6
An FBI Agent takes on the three unrelated cases of a dead agent to track down his killer.
Broderick Crawford
John 'Ripley
Ruth Roman
Kate Martell
Martha Hyer
Connie Anderson
Marisa Pavan
Julie Angelino
Max Showalter
Dave Millson
Kenneth Tobey
Zack Stewart
Gene Reynolds
Vince Angelino
William Johnstone
FBI Chief Frank Pace
Harlan Warde
Greg Barker
Jay Adler
Uncle Max - aka Charles Martell
Claude Akins
Matty Pavelich
Suzanne Alexander
Brenda Ralles
Myra Marsh
Mrs. Downes
Joe Bassett
Joe Walpo - aka Joe Allen
William Schallert
Alan Dexter
Lt. Jake Kuppol
Stafford Repp
Boxing Manager