Following in the footsteps of the first film, "The Price of the American Dream II" continues the story of Laura Munoz who has grown considerably older and is now a single mother with four children after the death of her husband Chendo. As a result, Laura moves her family from Los Angeles, California to Albuquerque, New Mexico in hopes of gaining a better life for herself and for her children Manny, Alexendra, Daniel, and Carlos. However, life proves to be just as hard in a new state when Manny and Alex begin hanging out with the wrong crowd including the fact that Carlos is now constantly getting in trouble at school and Daniel is even trapped in the middle of it. It seems the price of the American dream has only risen higher since Laura first found it.
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Jesus Valdez
Daniel Munoz
Omar Paz Trujillo
Julian Trujillo
Dale Nelson
Elissa Kannon
Rebecca Watkins
Everette Scott Ortiz
Martin Barela
Meno Muñoz
Luis Arrieta
Manny Muñoz
Julieta Ortiz
Laura Muñoz
Nichole Otero
Alex Muñoz
Nathan Sanchez
Carlos Muñoz