Chat Noir Lucy

Chat Noir Lucy

2012 ja 107 minutes

Rating: 6


Middle-aged man Ken Kamoshida is a fortune teller and his life revolves around superstitions. Since he and his wife separated, Ken Kamoshida's life has been messy. One day, he comes across 2 black kittens which represents a symbol for misfortune. He has difficulty in raising the kittens, but he uses the kittens to help read the fortunes of others. In the process, he discovers what's really important to him.


Trailer's not available.


Miho Tsumiki

Miho Tsumiki

Namase Katsuhisa

Namase Katsuhisa

Kenta Satoi

Kenta Satoi

Kotomi Kyōno

Kotomi Kyōno

Koji Yamamoto

Koji Yamamoto

Mari Hamada

Mari Hamada

Aya Ohmasa

Aya Ohmasa

Megumi Yasue

Megumi Yasue

Tsukaji Muga

Tsukaji Muga

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