Japanese gangster drama set in the exclusive Ginza district of Tokyo, following Haruka (Atsuko Sakuraba), a young geisha who is attacked by an influential businessman who plans to abduct her. When she is rescued by the members of a club called 'Utopia', Haruka joins them and becomes a hostess, rapidly establishing herself as one of the most sought-after geisha's in Ginza. At the same time, Haruka learns of a plan by a corrupt, gangster-owned club to set itself up as a rival to Utopia. Such is her loyalty to the club that first helped her, she is willing to do anything to protect it.
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Atsuko Sakuraba
Miyuki Kojima
Wakaba Nakano
Sakura Mano
Yasukaze Motomiya
Keiji Matsuda
Ryuji Murakami
Hisao Maki
Jiro Okazaki
Naoki Hongo
Rei Okazaki
Yasuaki Kurata