The film follows the relationship between a mother and her son. In 1945, the mother played by Sayuri Yoshinaga fled with her two sons from the Russians to Hokkaido. In 1972, her son played by Masato Sakai returns to Japan after finding success in the U.S.
Sayuri Yoshinaga
Tetsu Ezure
Masato Sakai
Shujiro Ezure
Ryoko Shinohara
Mari Ezure
Hiroshi Abe
Tokujiro Ezure
Koichi Sato
Shinji Sugawara
Ittoku Kishibe
Kazuo Yamaoka
Masatoshi Nakamura
Daikichi Okabe
Reiko Takashima
Mitsue Shimada
Tsurube Shofukutei
bar owner
Toshiyuki Nagashima
Doctor Mita
Ken Yasuda
Hisashi Sugimoto
Toru Nomaguchi
Manabu Kimura
Katsuya Maiguma
Daikichi Sugawara
Yukijiro Hotaru
Toshi Oide
Yuki Tayama
Minami Kajihara
Mika Kitajima
Kenzo Ryu