1927 de 0 minutes
Rating: 0
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Teddy Bill
Kurt Gerron
Bruno Kastner
Frida Richard
Ellen Richter
The Reward of Thrift
September 19, 1914
The Kiss
May 13, 1913
Too Many Millions
December 8, 1918
The Mirror
July 24, 1913
When Love Forgives
August 2, 1913
April 8, 1929
Man and Maid
April 20, 1925
The Stolen Loaf
May 10, 1913
The Highbinders
March 21, 1926
When Love Grows Cold
January 31, 1926
The Moonshine Maid and the Man
December 7, 1914
The Breath of Araby
May 8, 1915
A Princess of Bagdad
September 1, 1913
Miss Jekyll and Madame Hyde
June 19, 1915
Intolerance: Love's Struggle Throughout the Ages
September 4, 1916
July 4, 1913
A Star Is Born
October 1, 1954
A Hoosier Romance
August 18, 1918
The Street Called Straight
February 1, 1920
The Highest Bidder
January 1, 1921