

1973 en 90 minutes

Rating: 5


The story revolves around Evaristo who¸ accompanied by his drum¸ dreams of becoming a great figure and imposing his music on the whole world. Evaristo composes cumbias and more cumbias on his ranch and then in jail¸ where adverse situations take him. Meanwhile his delusions begin to come true¸ and without knowing it¸ his name and rhythm become famous.


Trailer's not available.


Evaristo Márquez

Evaristo Márquez

Zulma Faiad

Zulma Faiad

Julio Aldama

Julio Aldama

Mario Gareña

Mario Gareña

Guillermo Gálvez

Guillermo Gálvez

Luis Hernández

Luis Hernández

Luis Chiape

Luis Chiape

Ciro Fernández

Ciro Fernández

Antonio Iglesias

Antonio Iglesias

Betty Meléndez

Betty Meléndez

Dora Cadavid

Dora Cadavid

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