Musical comedy based on the story of V.Shishkov "Divers", as well as Russian legends, songs, fairy tales and ditties. A scattering of mischievous jokes, short scenes, aphorisms, silly songs, jokes, ditties, jokes - this is the wealth of funny folklore and became the basis of the film, united by three main characters: a nedotep, an eccentric village inventor Bobyl and a brave Soldier.
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Aleksei Buldakov
Vyacheslav Polunin
Alexander Kuznetsov
Nina Usatova
Sergey Bekhterev
Nikolay Dik
Igor Ivanov
Veleriy Zakharyev
Tatyana Zakharova
Anatoly Slivnikov
Sergey Zhukovich
Gelena Ivlieva
Lyubov Tishchenko
Svetlana Kireeva