The story revolves around the conflict between the Al-Fayoumi and Al-Mursi families, after the murder of one of Al-Mursi's sons by one of Adham Al-Fayoumi's sons. Adham succeeds in escaping punishment for his son by forging the testimony of one witness and killing two others, while Amina, the lawyer and daughter of Adham Al-Fayoumi, objects to her father's devious approach aimed at distancing his son from responsibility for his crime. The Al-Mursi family takes revenge on Al-Fayoumi by targeting and killing Al-Fayoumi's son and kidnapping Amina's children.
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Nadia Al Gendy
أمينة الفيومي
Abdallah Ghaith
أدهم الفيومي
Mahmoud Hemida
المرسي نوفل
Youssef Fawzy
إبراهيم الفيومي
Hassan Hussein
عوض حفظي المحامي
Waheed Ezzat
Hend Akef
ألفت محمود
Ezzat ElMashad
د. عزمي
Khalil Morsi
حاتم - زوج أمينه
Mustafa Kamal
Attia Eweiss
Sherif Khair Allah