This historical film depicts the life of a man who was at the mercy of the waves during transition from the end of the Edo period to the Meiji Restoration, and therefore, shows audience the dynamic change from Edo to Meiji. Before the war, the director, Eisuke Takizawa, together with the writers, formed a scenario writer group "Narutaki-gumi and they shot many historical masterpieces.
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Rentaro Mikuni
Michiyo Aratama
Michiko Saga
Ryūtarō Tatsumi
Shōji Yasui
Isao Yamagata
Osamu Takizawa
Akitake Kōno
Ichirō Shimizu
Kyosuke Aihara
Hiroshi Nawa
Chōko Iida
Yo Shiomi
Tatsuya Ishiguro
Asao Sano
Keiji Itami
Keisuke Yukioka
Michisaburō Segawa