The movie revolves around Pandit Hari Prasad, a blind flautist (played by Sarvadaman Banerjee), and a painter (Suhasini) who is mute. Hari Prasad lives with his only sister in a village which has some tourist attraction. He earns money by playing flute and entertaining the tourists. His life changes dramatically once Jyothirmayi (Moon Moon Sen) comes there and hears his musical talent. She helps him reach high standards in classical music. Years pass by and Hari Prasad becomes one of the greatest flutists in India; he develops ;a great love towards Jyothirmayi for whom he dedicates all his albums
Trailer's not available.
Sarvadaman D. Banerjee
Pandit Hari Prasad
Suhasini Maniratnam
Moon Moon Sen
Baby Meena
J. V. Ramana Murthi
S. K. Misro
Sakshi Ranga Rao
Subhalekha Sudhakar
Madhurima Narla