Tale of Time

Tale of Time

2021 id 65 minutes

Rating: 0


Fajar Suharno was a theater maestro from the 80's to the 90's. He was imprisoned because his theater activities were considered against the New Order government. At its peak, he made a show entitled "Geger Uwong Ngoyak Macan" about the events of crushing people who were considered thugs/criminals (Petrus). The show was held exactly the day before the massacre took place



Emha Ainun Najib

Emha Ainun Najib

Fajar Suharno

Fajar Suharno

Jujuk Prabowo

Jujuk Prabowo

Butet Kertaradjasa

Butet Kertaradjasa

Novi Budianto

Novi Budianto

Yoga Bagus Satatagama

Yoga Bagus Satatagama

Hendri Arkan Wahyudi

Hendri Arkan Wahyudi

Ichsan Zulkarnain

Ichsan Zulkarnain

Seteng A. Yuniawan

Seteng A. Yuniawan

Dwi Windarti

Dwi Windarti

Sartika Dian

Sartika Dian

Sapta Sutrino

Sapta Sutrino

Annisa Hertami

Annisa Hertami

Gween Saraphova

Gween Saraphova

Zuhdi Sang

Zuhdi Sang

Ikbal Lubys

Ikbal Lubys

Petrus Billy

Petrus Billy

Alfiyan Windi Saputro

Alfiyan Windi Saputro

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