The story revolves around five boy who each possess a trait that have negative effects on them. The handsome boys owe a monetary debt to Sakiko Horinomiya, a girl from a rich family. Wanting the money back, she makes them enter the "Motemen Koshien" contest, so they can pay her back using the prize money.
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Yui Ishikawa
Sakiko Horinomiya (voice)
Koki Uchiyama
Shigekazu Toshida (voice)
Rikiya Tomizono
Kotarō Tojima (voice)
Soma Saito
Tokio Furuta (voice)
Yoshitsugu Matsuoka
Aki Sahashi (voice)
Yuuichirou Umehara
Shun Gotōda (voice)
Yuki Kaji
MC (voice)